Struggles of a University Student:
- Uncertainty about what it is you really want to study
- Indecision about what really interests you and what makes you happy
- Selection of a major that reflects your true interests
- Decision on the right major that coincides with who YOU are
- Selection of a career path that is aligned with your goals
- Your best study habits—alone or in a study group
- Finances and how to reduce YOUR time and expenses at the University
Our program is:
- Innovative-we provide each student with a clear sense of their strengths and challenges.
- Different-A majority of our programs in the industry utilize placement tests. The scores are interpreted by our advisors and discussed with students.
- Low Cost-Our 15 minute on-line assessment provides you with far more information and feedback than the traditional college readiness programs that cost thousands of dollars.
- Easy to Complete-Participants will need less than 3 hours.