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College Preparedness and Planning is a
Subsidiary of Onward Education & Training LLC.

College Planning Services for all Grades

Adult Learners

Should I Go Back To School?

Learning as an adult, higher education may seem like a foreign culture to you. It has its own rules, patterns, and culture. There are important differences between private and public schools, community colleges and universities, liberal arts and research institutions, graduate schools, etc. As an adult learner, and as you are returning and progressing through higher education, naturally you will question and reevaluate your original assumptions and motivations for pursuing higher education to re-create your life.

Some of the following questions may be familiar to you:

  1. Would you like to advance your career by enrolling in an academic program that offers the Associate’s degree?
  2. Would you like to pursue a career training program to learn marketable skills in a number of fields?
  3. Would you rather enroll in basic studies, continuing education, and customized training courses that support lifelong learning?

At Onward® we recognize that the needs and experiences of adult learners differ than those of traditional college students, and your learning will be more successful if you take an active role in planning, monitoring and evaluating your own education.

Where Do I Start?

The College Preparedness & Planning Program by Onward® can help you examine what you have done in your lifetime that matters, and this can be translated to college credit, helping you fulfill your degree requirements quicker. We can assess your experience by highly qualified and knowledgeable staff. It is an innovative, scientifically validated, behavioral assessment program that will benefit you by gaining a greater understanding of yourself in an objective way. You will have a clearer understanding about your strengths and challenges, what motivates and stresses you, how your individual differences can be combined to deliver the objectives to help you thrive as a college student and graduate with a degree. This very personalized assessment of WHO YOU ARE as an adult learner will contribute to your success as a college student, and we will support you through your entire college experience.

Start Preparing For Your Future Now!

Let's Get Started Now!