College Preparedness and Planning, Logo

Call Us Today: (303) 518-3922
College Preparedness and Planning is a
Subsidiary of Onward Education & Training LLC.

College Planning Services for all Grades

Middle and High School Student College Counseling

Middle and High School Student College Counseling

College Planning Services for Grade School Students

Your First Seven Years of School

Did you know that the first seven years of your education in elementary school was filled with learning fundamental skills and gaining knowledge, and building a foundation for your future education? We help you figure out an educational plan for middle school students.

Are You Having Problems? 

If you are having any problems answering these questions about what subject area interests you, and what you should study when you plan to attend college, then The College Preparedness & Planning Program by Onward® is just for you. Turn to us for middle and high school student college counseling.

College Career Counseling for Students

Get On The Right Path

It is an innovative, scientifically validated, behavioral assessment program. We help you figure out what you need to know about yourself in an objective way by placing you on the right path to a college degree before taking on loans and years of education.

Finding Your Career Path

At the end of our program, you will have a clear sense of your strengths and challenges, what motivates and stresses you, and how your individual differences can be combined to deliver the objectives of attending college, getting your degree in a timely manner, and finding happiness and joy in your personal life and career. We will lead you with effective college career counseling.

Start Preparing For Your Future Now!

Let's Get Started Now!